Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How Do I Get Pregnant Using Fertibella?

Fertibella helps women with the following common causes of infertility:

  • Irregular Cycles 
  • Luteal Phase Defect 
  • Progesterone Deficiency 
  • Poor Quality Cervical Mucous 
  • Ovulatory Dysfunction 
  • Hormonal Imbalance 
  • Elevated FSH Levels
So you will naturally begin to become more fertile when you take the supplement. For some women, obvious differences occur -- like your period becomes regular for the first time in a long time -- or they may begin to feel a little friskier and in a better mood (thanks to the hormone regulation aspect). Yet, other women may feel no different at all, even though changes are taking place inside them. It could take as little as a month to become pregnant or it could take just over 6 months. According to the website statistics, 86 percent of women achieve a pregnancy by their fourth cycle.

In order to become pregnant, you need to know a little about how pregnancy happens. It's a FACT that you can only conceive during your ovulation period... so you can have all the intercourse you want, but it's not going to "count" unless the magic happens during ovulation time.

So the big question becomes: when do you ovulate?

I spoke with my doctor about this and she told me that on a typical 28 day cycle (which is what I have), you will ovulate on Day 14. People who have a 35 day cycle will ovulate on Day 21. Usually, your period begins 14 days after ovulation.

The good news is that sperm can live in the body for 72 hours and the egg can exist for 48 hours, waiting around to be fertilized. So, if I had intercourse on CD-12 and ovulated on CD-14, I could still get pregnant. Or, conversely, if I ovulated on CD-14 and had intercourse on CD-16, I could also get pregnant. In some cases, women have been able to get pregnant as early as CD-11 or as late as CD-17, provided that the sperm were extremely skilled and determined little swimmers! Basically, what I'm saying, is there is a 5-6 day window each month where you can possibly get pregnant if the stars are aligned and your fertility issues are solved using Fertibella.

PS. To find out the length of your cycle, start counting on DAY 1 OF BLEEDING (your Aunt Flo). 
Stop counting the DAY BEFORE BLEEDING AGAIN (your next month's Aunt Flo).



  1. All this counting & math! Can't it just be easy? lol. I'm just glad you did all the research for me. I can't believe fertibella really can work for all of those issues.Where do I sign up?

  2. What is "luteal phase defect" and how do i know if i have it? I would like to order Fertibella and give it a try i think. Fertility doctors are so expensive.
